Ash Pournouri: Avicii’s Manager postet herzzerreißendes Statement

Ash Pournouri: Avicii’s Manager postet herzzerreißendes Statement

Nach DJ Kollegen und Promis aus aller Welt hat sich nun auch Avicii’s langjähriger Manager Arash ‘Ash’ Pournouri zu Wort gemeldet. In einem Facebook Statement zeichnet der Schwede einen Einblick in seine Gefühlslage und auf die letzten Worte mit Avicii. Nach Veröffentlichung der Doku “True Stories” war Ash in Kritik geraten.

Ash Pournouri postet emotionales Statement zum Tod von Avicii

Erst vor wenigen Wochen kam die Dokumentation “True Stories” der BBC raus. In dieser wurde das Leben des schwedischen Superstar DJs beleuchtet – inkl. intimer Einblicke in das Leben des Produzenten, die gesundheitlichen Probleme – und das zwischenmenschliche Verhältnis zwischen Bergling und seinem Manager Arash ‘Ash’ Pournouri. Streitgespräche zwischen den beiden langjährigen Weggefährten bestimmten das Bild der Dokumentation – in der Bergling vor allem in Situationen zwischen Bühnen und Krankenhausaufenthalten gezeigt wurde. Kurz zuvor hatte sich Avicii von seinem Manager getrennt. 

Jetzt hat sich Ash Pournouri zu Wort gemeldet. Er sei zerrissen, zerstört – und wolle den Tod seines “Freundes und Bruders” nicht wahrhaben, so Pournouri. “Ich weigere mich zu akzeptieren, dass es wahr ist”, so Ash. 

Selbstvorwürfe, Rückblicke, Versöhnliche Worte

“Ich hätte mir eine Kugel für dich eingefangen”, so Pournouri. Kein Geld, keine materiellen Dinge hätten je so viel bedeutet, wie der Bund zwischen den beiden. Avicii sei pures Talent gewesen, und beide haben nichts anderes gewollt, als die Welt zu verändern. “Ich habe dich beschützt. Vor Hatern, vor schlechten Bekanntschaften, vor Dunkelheit und Krankheit. Ich verstehe es nicht, warum es passiert ist.”

Ash Pournouri ist für Jahre der Entdecker und Kopf hinter Avicii gewesen. In der Dokumentation “True Stories” wird deutlich: Die Beziehung der beiden war nicht immer einfach, aber sehr emotional. Und so beschließt Ash seine Worte an Avicii. “Das letzte was wir zueinander gesagt haben, als wir uns sahen war “Jag älskar dig” – schwedisch für Ich liebe dich.

avicii Ash

Das ganze Statement lest ihr hier: 

“Shock. Grief. Anger. Rage. Apathy. Despair. Misery. Pain. Pain. Pain. I don’t even know what this feeling is called. You were my family. My brother. My friend. My ally. Part of my heart. That’s now gone. I’ve never experienced deep sadness like this. I don’t even remember when I’ve cried before but my eyes are swollen with tears since I heard. I haven’t really accepted it yet, I can’t imagine it’s even real. Empty.

You were beautiful. You were raw talent. You were one in a billion. I can’t stop thinking that if I was with you I could have saved you somehow. Sheltered you. From haters, threats, bad relationships, darkness and sickness. Whatever happened, I would have taken a bullet for you. I don’t understand. At all. Not the least. Empty.

Nobody will know what we went through together. Nobody will know the bond we had and the love we had for each other. The show is a show. That was never real. It was a story we told the world. You and I were real. The ups and downs, the fighting, the cheering, the happiness, the sadness, the hurt, the pleasure, the extraordinary experiences that few people get to have. We had all the ingredients of a real family relationship. And you will forever be family.

We made undeniable history together you and I. Never for anything but creativity and to move the world. And we did move it. More than once. And you are moving it still after you’re gone. But none of it was, or will ever be, worth your life ending too soon. No recognition, money or material things in the universe was ever worth seeing you sick or pressured. And you hid your true feelings, and let the brother that always took care of you first, fought for you first and protected you first, know too late how you really felt, trying to keep up with the impossible pace of the world. If I had only known. I could have saved you earlier. I could have put you back on my back and carried you again, protected you from whatever caused you harm. You were part of my heart and I would never have allowed you to go. There’s a dagger right in the middle of it, shooting lightning bolts all across my entire body. And I feel completely empty.

There’s so much to this that others don’t know nor can even begin to understand. And I will try to address at a later time as I’m too heartbroken to do anything else but grieve. But I thought you moved on as I did and got out two years ago. I was incredibly happy and proud of you for taking care of yourself before anything or anyone else. So I will never understand. Everyone was saying how happy you were now a couple of years after retiring. Last time we met you were doing great, looking strong and alert. And your biggest problems were women trouble. Like any normal 28-year old. I miss you so much. Empty.

I was just asked by my family what we said the last time we spoke and I burst out in tears again. I will never forget, and forever be happy and grateful for the last words we both shared with each other just a couple of months ago, after spending 9 hours together eating, drinking and hanging out, at 5 am on Saturday morning of February 17, as we were leaving the place somewhere in Stockholm – “Jag älskar dig”.

Ps. This is my grief. Not a post for anyone or anything else. Please respect this. Thank you all for your beautiful words. My heart is crushed for the family. I hope everyone is left to grieve Tim in their own way and remember him as an icon.” 

Ash Pournouri am 21. April 2018 auf Facebook


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